Get the assistance you need in the comfort of your own home with affordable care options from Annex Healthcare. Our goal is to provide reliable home healthcare that goes beyond the basics and includes taking time to educate clients and their loved ones. Careful monitoring and tracking is just as important when it comes to successfully managing conditions and maintaining quality of life.


Education Assessments Annex Healthcare 272x300 - Education & AssessmentsEducation is a big part of what we do for patients with home healthcare needs. Our trained staff members remain current with information on the conditions affecting our patients, including diabetes, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer.

Our education efforts aren’t only directed to patients. We can also provide essential and useful information to family members who either live with the patient or play a role in providing care, so they can be as well-informed as possible. Our home healthcare staff will coordinate with a patient’s doctor to determine what information should be emphasized. Our education efforts often include or involve:

  • Reliable medical information: We want patients to have a solid understanding of their health issues. Even when doctors and other healthcare professionals provide information to patients, there may be a need to clarify their understanding and respectfully answer questions.
  • Wound care and post-opt healing: Proper care of wounds is important between visits. Based on instructions from a patient’s doctor, our staff will let patients know when they can shower and when they can safely resume other parts of their daily routine.

Education Assessments Annex Healthcare 1 300x218 - Education & Assessments

  • Chronic conditions: Conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis can impact all aspects of a patient’s life. Our knowledgeable staff will take the time to educate patients on what they can do to manage symptoms and get back to what matters most to them.
  • Progressive conditions: For patients living with dementia, Parkinson’s disease, or later stages of cancer, our home healthcare staff will provide reliable information on what patients and their family members can expect and how quality of life can be maintained.



Education Assessments Annex Healthcare 2 300x200 - Education & AssessmentsAssessing a patient’s needs includes careful monitoring of vitals and other important factors. We’ll work with a patient’s doctor to determine what needs to be tracked and how often such stats need to be recorded. Our monitoring services also include:

  • Post-operative monitoring: Our trained home healthcare workers will check wounds for signs of infection and look for other possible signs of post-surgery issues, such as fever and new instances of pain.
  • Vital sign tracking and reporting: There are many reasons why a patient may need to keep track of their vital signs. All data will be recorded and reported to the patient’s doctor or the appropriate contact person.
  • Blood pressure monitoring: Especially important for patients with conditions such as diabetes and chronic hypertension, blood pressure monitoring tends to be more accurate when a patient is in a relaxed home setting rather than a doctor’s office or clinic.
  • Glucose monitoring: For patients not comfortable tracking their own blood sugar levels, our staff will make regular visits to perform the necessary steps to get an accurate glucose reading. We can place stats in a patient’s log book in addition to recording the stats in our own records to ensure accuracy.

Regardless of your reasons for needing reliable in-home healthcare, the dedicated staff at Annex Healthcare is here to help. We provide a wide range of affordable home-based health services tailored to the needs of patients. Contact us today to discuss your home health needs.

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